December Solstice Ascension Activations

19th -21st December; Galactic Center alignment and the December Solstice Ascension activations.

We are entering a really powerful few days as we move towards the finale of 2022.

On the 19th December, the Earth aligns with the Galactic center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius.

This powerful transit is bringing in waves of Golden Christ Light and Diamond Light that is moving us into ever Higher levels of Consciousness.

The Energy of the Golden Heart activates the 8th dimensional Solar aspects of our being and pours in the Golden Christ Consciousness.

The Energy of the Diamond Heart activates the Diamond Light Codes and the energy of the Divine Mother as we enter the 9th Dimension of Consciousness.

These waves of energy are creating a powerful physical alignment in the Human Body, and especially the Spine, where all distortions of the flow of energy/kundalini are being released to allow the spinal flow to become perfectly aligned, and the chakras to be perfectly aligned.

This is especially taking place in the Solar Chakra and the Throat Chakra areas, as we take back our creative power and our ability to express our soul’s light on Earth.

For some people this can be a difficult process, with pain in the pelvic area, back aches and pains. and pain in the neck and shoulders. You are releasing deep level ancestral pain, so these feelings may be felt deep in the physical.

This is preparing you to birth the “golden child/christ child”, a new version of you that will step forth in 2023 to claim your Mastery and your Crown of Sovereignty!

Have a wonderful Solstice week and remember to flow with Light and BE the Love and Joy!

**By Celia Fenn


10 Replies to “December Solstice Ascension Activations”

  1. C

    Teeth feeling like they’re being zapped, and excruciating jaw bone and deep inner ear pain- on and off for several months and interestingly corresponding with major solar flares. This past week it has been entirely left side.

    I realized several weeks back that it’s related with throat chakra, as well as attuning telepath channels. Very difficult to remain present and in Awareness while writhing and crying in pain, BUT, it is quite helpful when I remember to take my awareness to *within* the pain, right to the core of it, and keep it there.

    I also focus on full/total acceptance – Being “as if” the particular pain would be with me “forever” – knowing it hasn’t been and won’t be – but accepting it in the moment “as if” it were; my only choice/option is to accept the IS’ness of it. I’m getting better at the practice and learning to recognize the lessening/dissipation of the pain with this kind of focus.

    (Clove bud oil/water rinse, heating pad and tiger balm are also used!)

    Sharing in case others may find it useful, or of benefit. 🙏🕊

    1. Jac

      I also focus on full/total acceptance – Being “as if” the particular pain would be with me “forever” – knowing it hasn’t been and won’t be – but accepting it in the moment “as if” it were; my only choice/option is to accept the IS’ness of it. I’m getting better at the practice and learning to recognize the lessening/dissipation of the pain with this kind of focus.

      ^^^^^ I’ve also been doing this with the back pains/spasms I’ve been experiencing. I also asked my guides to lessen the intensity of the energies and that helped too. It may take longer to release everything, but again, I know it will be worth it in the end. ☺️

      1. C

        Same here – asking for the intensity to be eased! As well as for having the strength to persevere. I often mentally compare it to childbirth – as a reminder that the only way through it, is through it!

        1. Jac

          Childbirth! That’s a good comparison. Unless it’s my child. She got partially down the birth canal and then decided, nope, I’m not ready to enter the world. Doc had to get the “salad spoons” out to help maneuver her down and out. And she’s been just as stubborn the past 23 years. LOL

  2. Jac

    It’s a very difficult process, but I’ve been comforted in knowing that in the end, it will all be worth it. The pain I have been experiencing the last month in my back, neck and shoulders is sometimes unbearable (not to mention the waking up at odd hours – lol), but simple stretches have helped upon waking and the pain lessens as I move around more. I just KNEW this had to do with chakra alignment. Now, I’m happy to have it confirmed. I feel even more at peace with it, even though it’s painful. 🙂

    1. C

      Jac ~ if you haven’t already tried it, and are able to get in/out of position, try laying on your back with your legs/feet extended up the wall; deep relaxing breaths while doing so. This can help circulation, as well as open up the back muscles, rib cage, abdominals, etc.

      1. Jac

        Yesssss, the deep breathing is essential. Helps tremendously! I haven’t tried the legs on the wall though. Will try, if I can. Hardwood floors throughout my house with only a thin yoga mat, but maybe on my bed with feet up headboard would work. Thank you! ♥️

        1. C

          You’re welcome 💗 All the best to you! And you’re right, it’s all worth it – it’s all growth.

  3. sonja zoghlami

    Merci Célia. Amour Joie et Paix . Je souhaite à toutes et tous de très belles fêtes de fin d’année que vos cœurs se remplissent d’Amour et de joie pour toujours.

